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Online Course Options and Tuition fee

Option AB:

You enroll in "Course AB" ( Basic Theories of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM )

Total costs for the Option AB: US$ 395.00
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee )

Option CD:

You enroll in "Course CD" ( Basic Theories of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Therapeutics of Acupuncture & Moxibustion )

Total costs for the Option CD: US$ 395.00
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee )

Option ABCD:

You enroll in "Course ABCD" ( Basic Theories of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, Basic Theories of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Therapeutics of Acupuncture & Moxibustion)

Total costs for the Option ABCD: US$ 495.00
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee )

Option EFG:

You enroll in "Course EFG ( Herbology, Formulae of TCM, Therapeutics of Herbal Medicines )

Total costs for the Option EFG: US$ 445.00 
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee)

Option ABEFG:

You enroll in "Course ABEFG ( Basic Theories of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, Herbology, Formulae of TCM, Therapeutics of Herbal Medicines )

Total costs for the Option ABEFG: US$ 545.00 
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee )


You enroll in "Course ABCDEFG" ( Basic Theories of TCM, Diagnosis of TCM, Basic Theories of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Therapeutics of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Herbology, Formulae of TCM, Therapeutics of Herbal Medicines )

Total costs for the Option ABCDEFG: US$ 675.00
(including registration, textbooks, teachers, examinations and certificate as well as reading materials fee )

Please bear the money transfer fee by yourself.

In general, each course will take about 3 months for online studying, namely 6 months for option AB or CD, 12 months for option ABCD,15 months for option ABEFG, and 21 months for option ABCDEFG. However, it is flexible, you can apply for shortening or prolonging the study-term based on your time condition and learning progress.

Beijing Mebo TCM Training Center
Address. 18 Beixincang, Dongzhimennei, Beijing 100700 China
TEL:  (0086) 13501283232  

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