Alzheimers disease

What are the main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

Memory loss is usually the first symptom of Alzheimer's disease. Most commonly it takes the form of a failure to remember new information or recent events. For example, persons may repeat themselves, forgetting that they already said the same thing earlier. Or, they may fail to remember information or instructions they were given a short time before. As the illness progresses they begin to misplace objects or fail to remember where they are usually located. They often do not realize that this is happening and deny that the problem is do to a failure of their memory. People who suffer from Alzheimer's disease may deny that they were ever given the information they are accused of forgetting, or complain that the item they cannot find has been stolen. Initially, family members often dismiss the changes as age related or as the beginning of senility. It is only after the problem progresses to the point where it can no longer be ignored that they seek medical attention for their loved one. Rarely will the patient initiate the evaluation.
The following is a modified list  of some warning signs:

Recent memory loss that affects job skills
It is normal to occasionally forget assignments, colleagues' names, or a business associate's telephone number and then remember them later. Those with a dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, forget things with greater frequency and often fail to remember them even when reminded.

Difficulty performing familiar tasks
Busy people can be so distracted from time to time that they may leave the carrots on the stove and only remember to serve them at the end of the meal. People with Alzheimer's disease may have difficulty going through the proper steps to prepare the carrots.


Problems with language
Everyone has trouble finding the right words sometimes, but people with Alzheimer's disease may forget simple words or substitute inappropriate words, making their sentences difficult to understand.


Disorientation to time and place
It is normal to occasionally forget the day of the week or how to get where you are going. However, people with Alzheimer's disease may become lost in familiar surroundings, not knowing where they are, how they got there, or how to get back home.


Poor or decreased judgment
People can become so immersed in an activity that they temporarily forget about something else that they are supposed to be doing at the same time, such as watching a child. People with Alzheimer's disease may entirely forget about the child under their care. They may also dress inappropriately for the weather or put on several shirts or blouses.


Problems with abstract thinking
Balancing a checkbook may be disconcerting when the task is more complicated than usual. Someone with Alzheimer's disease may completely forget what the numbers are and what needs to be done with them.


Misplacing things
Anyone can temporarily misplace a wallet or keys. A person with Alzheimer's disease may put things in inappropriate places: the ice cream in a kitchen cabinet or the milk in the freezer.


Changes in mood and behavior
Everyone becomes sad or moody from time to time. Someone with Alzheimer's disease can exhibit rapid mood swings - from calm to tears to anger, for no apparent reason.


Changes in personality
People's personalities may change slightly with age; however, a person with Alzheimer's disease can change drastically, becoming extremely confused, suspicious, or fearful.


Loss of initiative
It is normal to tire of housework, business activities, or social obligations, but most people regain their initiative. People with Alzheimer's disease may become very passive and require cues and prompting to become involved.
As the disease progresses, patients become increasingly confused and disorientated. They may have difficulty expressing what they want to say. The progressive brain failure alters their personality and behavior. They may have periods of agitation, depression, or paranoia. They lose the ability to exercise good judgment and use common sense. All the while, they may deny that they have any problems and refuse to believe they need help.

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