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Letter: Alternative Therapies

Sir: Your leading article "Patients have a right to choose unscientific treatments" (19 August) requires some clarification. Orthodox medicine does not yet understand how homeopathy works mainly because it stubbornly persists in looking in the wrong place for an explanation. As long as the molecule is considered the be-all and end- all, bewilderment is likely to prevail.

Research in the field of biophysics is beginning to confirm that the solution lies in the area of energy and that a homeopathically prescribed remedy acts on the patient's disturbed energy field to restore its resonance and thus the patient's health.

To acknowledge the primacy of physics over chemistry in healthcare involves a major paradigm shift that orthodox science is reluctant to make. Studies that support this position are rubbished if they appear in "reputable" journals and dismissed if they appear in journals which are conveniently regarded as not "reputable".

Conventional science has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and this prevents it from approaching the question with an open mind.

I contend that "unconventional" would be a more accurate description than "unscientific".


Director of Studies

College of Homopathy

London W1
  (From HealthWorld Online)

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