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Traditional Dietary Beauty Aiders

  cun weuunSINCE ancient times the quest for beauty and the secret ofprolonging youh have commanded man's attention. Avast array of beauy aids have been develoPed throuhout theworld. An ancient Chinese work, Shan Hai Jing (Cano
  n ofAns and Mountains), mentions bathing in medicinal herbs,while ShennOng ffencao Jing (Shennong Materia Mndica ), anearIy medicaI text, lists dozens Of foods and herbs used tO im-prove apPearance.ACcording to traditional Chinese medicine, the conditiono
  f the skin and the smell of the breath are reliable indicators ofa Person's general health. A poOr complexion is believed to becaused by an imbalance in the body's fluids. It is essentiaI forgOOd health to restore this balance by imProving the functioning
  of the internal organs. This in turn Ieads to a liealthy, clearcomPlexion.T'he following are some of the more common tyPes of POOrcomPlexion or skin tone. Each is followed by a simple remedy.PallorExtreme PaIlor may indicate that the patient is sufferingf
  rom anemia, general weakness after childbirth, blood loss,fatigue, shoftness of breath, poOr aPpetite, insomnia, edema(swelling) of the legr, diarrhea, or other more serious condi-tions. A tonic made of honey, Chinese dates, and Peanuts maybe beneficial.
  Take 100 grams of Chinese dates and 100 grams32of Peanuts and soak in warm water. Simmer until soft. Add200 grams of honey and sinuner further untiI Iiquid is reduced.Taken frequently this tonic wiIl increase vitality and imProvethe complekion.DuIl comule
  sionThose with grayish, lackluster skin may be suffering fromsome form of wasting disease, a low-grade fever, aching backand legs, or sexual probIems. Traditionally, these ...ditiO.,=:u:72t:e::,:n::::;?:?:C:::::?o7and can help increase vitality.Take 200 g
  rams of raw, shelled chestnuts, and slice inhalf. Boi1 in 500 ml of duck broth untiI soft. Add 200 grams ofcabbage, salt and monosodium glutamate (MSG) t; taste.When the cabbage is cooked, POur in a Iittle cornstarch mixedwith water. Remove from heat and
  stir until smooth.W skinPeoPle with rough and wizened skin are beIieved to gener-ate excessive body heat or they may be in the later stages of ahigh fever. They may also suffer from a dry throat, thirst,restlessness, and constipation. AJl these can be caU
  Sed by a re-duced blOod volume or excessive body heat. iBamboo shoots help to .ed...' body te.p.,.t.,.. whilesea cucumber assists in bIood formation. Take 200 grams of seacucumber and 100 grams of bamthe shoots, slice, and soak inwateL Boil in 500 ml of l
  ean meat broth. Add salt, SUgar,soy, yellow wine and a little cornstarch. Stir until the souP be-comes smooth. This souP may heIp bring back SInoothness andIuster to dry skin.WrinklesDisorders of the sPeen or the kidneys are believed tocause premature wri
  nkling of the forehead, and arOUn theeyes and neck. They can also cause the skin of the whoIe they to become slack, making the patient look much older than his
  or her years. The patient may also tire easily and suffer from
  backache and weakness in the legs.
  Chinese yams have for generations had the rePuation of
  prolonging life. They also help correct imbalances in the sPleen
  and the kidneys. Walnut kernels are good for the kidneys and
  the brain, and Chinese dates fortify thc blood. Haws and green
  plums benefit the spleen and the stomach by stimulating ap-
  petite and aiding digestion.
  Take 500 grams of freshly skinned Chinese yams. Boil un-
  til soft and mash. Form into a round flat cake. Place walnut
  pieces, Chinese dates, haws and green plums on the surface of
  the cake and steam. Serve with hot honey.
  Ihaffiness of the face
  Defective kidneys often cause Puffiness of the face and
  swelling in the legs. Sufferers may often apPear pale, and ex-
  perience shivering, backaches, and urinary frequency.
  The leaves of the rapeseed plant (colza) act as a diuretic
  when made into a souP with shrimP and chicken. They pro-
  mote health and help reducc swelling.
  Mlen neck or Wlc chin
  Haws improve circulation of the blood and can help tO e-
  liminate fatty tissue. Honey contains plenty of fructose which is
  more easily metabolized than ordinary sugar, and so less likely
  to lead to the formation of fat dePOSits.
  Take 500 grams of raw haws, wash, discard stems and
  kernels. Boil with water until the haws are soft and almost all
  the liquid has evaPOrated. Pour in 200 grams of honey and sim-
  mer until slightly reduced.
  Swollen eselids
  Swollen eyelids is believed to be caused by lessened blood
  volume and vital energy, stagnation of humidity and POOr cir-
  culation of the blood. These conditions are always associated
  with fatigue, insomnia and swelling of the legr.
  A tonic made of an edible fungUS, muSroom and egg-
  plant may be beneficial. Use 200 grams of eggPlant, 20 grams
  of soaked edible fungus and fresh mushrooms. DeeP-fry diced
  eggPlant firSt. Boil in chicken soup together with fungUS and
  mushrooms. Add soy sauce, sugar, saIt, and a bit of
  cornstarch. Stir until the soup becomes smooth.
  M ortrits
  These are associated with palpitation, insomnia, backache
  and fatigUe.
  A tonic made of Chinese wolf berry and yellow croaker is
  held to be beneficial. Take a 1-kilogram yellow croaker, scale,
  gut and remove the bones, head and tail. Dip the fish in flour
  paste and fry unti1 it becomes yellow. PUt on a tray. Pour some
  oil into a frying pan and heat, add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar,
  yellow wine, 50 grams of wolf berry, diced cucumbers, POta-
  toes and a bit of cornstarch. Stir until it thickens. Pour this on
  the fish.
  Sebaceous dmtitis
  Most such patients are strong young and middle-aged Peo-
  ple who have halitosis, hydrochor hydria, stOmach uPSet and
  heated blood.
  Balsam Pears are believed to be good for reducing fever
  and thus gOOd for this conditinn. Usc 250 grams of Pears,
  wash, remove seeds and cut into slivers. Fry in vegetable oil
  with a few carrot slivers. Add salt and a bit of cornstarch. Go
  with rice or bread.
  People with freckIes are mostly women with fair complex-
  ions. The cause is considered to be disorders of the liver and
  kidneys, and the rise of weakness heat, and is associated with
  dry throat, thirst, backache and low fever.
  A tonic made of soft-shelled tUrtle and artemisia (Artemisia aPiacea) is beneficial. Take a soft-shelled turtle (l
  kilogram), remove head, legs and organs, and dice. Add 20
  grams of prepared artemisia in small pieces ready for
  decoction, plus salt, water and yellow wine. Simmer gently.
  SIdn spots
  Skin sPOts occur mostly in women, esPecially pregnant
  women with rib pain, diarrhea and weakness of the spleen.
  Sometimes these are associated with dysmenorrhea, amenor-
  rhea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  A tonic made of fingered citron and tender tips of bamboo
  shoots may be good fOr the liver and spleen. Use fresh tips of
  bamboo shoots, 20 grams of prepared fingered citron in small
  pieces ready for decoration, and 20 grams of ginger. Slice and
  boil in an earthenware POt until they are cooked. Remove from
  fire, add salt and steep for 24 hours. Take frequently.
  This occurs mostly in young people who may also suffer
  from disorder of the kidneys, stOmach heat and the accumula-
  tiQn of bodily humidity.
  Considered beneficial for this are three dishes made with
  Chinese toon, beancurd and eggs. (The tOOn leaves may be
  fresh or salted. )
  1. Fried leaves of Chinese tOOn. Cut the toon leaves up
  and mix with flour paste. Add salt and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Mixed leaves of toon and beancurd. Steam beancurd
  first. Mix it with tOOn leaves, add salt and sesame oil.
  Steamed toon leaves and eggs. CUt uP toon leaves, beat
  eare and mix with leaves. Add salt and fry in vegetable oil.
  ACn miacea
  This is always associated with halitosis and yellow urine.
  Patients are fond of cold drinks. The cause is mainly htaldity
  and heat of the lungS and stomach.
  A tonic made of the rinds of watermelon, wax gourd and
  cucumber is beneficial for the lungs and stomach. Use 200
  grams of watermelon rind, 300 grams of wax gourd rind and
  400 grams of cucumber rind. Was and boil separately. tet
  cool and slice. Put them in a container then add salt. Soak for
  12 hours.
  Aged marta
  People with aged marks are suffering from blood loss,
  shortness of breath or sexual problems. These conditions are
  associated with body weakness, thinness, easy fatigue, dry and
  itching skin, and constipation.
  A tonic made of quaiI eggs and tremella helPS. It requires
  50 grams of tremella that has been soaked in water, and 8
  cooked quail eggs. Put in a POt, add chicken soup, salt, and
  yelIow wine. Simmer until soft. This is esPecially good for old

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