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HK jumps into traditional Chinese medicine

Mainland and Hong Kong traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) researchers will join forces to promote TCM worldwide, according to a State official.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang, the founding TCM producer, is negotiating with Hong Kong partners to establish a TCM production base and a new medicine research and development centre through which it hopes to export more products overseas, said Shen Zhixiang, director of international co-operation department of the State Administration of TCM. With a history of 330 years, Tong Ren Tang is a registered trademark in over 50 countries and regions, and produces more than 800 varieties of prepared herbs. Four of its medicines have been approved by Food and Drug Administration of the United States.

Tong Ren Tang's expansion is part of Hong Kong's policy decision to build itself into a TCM export centre.

Hong Kong government will put in HK$1 billion (US$120 million) over the next decade,taking advantage of Hong Kong's position in foreign exchange and trade to promote TCM. It will also use the mainland's technology and expertise in traditional health care.

The Hong Kong SAR government also plans to produce new items for sale on the international market.

(From Chinadaily)

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