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Treatment of Cirrhosis of Liver of Active Hepatitis with Chinese Medicine

Objective: To observe the important role of combined treatment featuring promoting blood flow to eliminate blood stasis (improving micro-circulation) in the treatment of cirrhosis of liver of active hepatitis.
(l) We made random sampling of the before1990 in-patients with cirrhosis of liver of active hepatitis and retrospectively compared the 29 cases of the treatment group with the 93 cases of the control group regarding whether combined treatment featuring promoting blood flow to eliminate blood stasis (including methods for improving micro-circulation) was applied;
(2) All the patients were clinically disposed and accepted serologically grouping examination, B ultrasonic examination or CT examination. The diagnose accorded with diagnostic standards defined in the 1990 hepatitis conference which was held in Shanghai, plus differentiation of blood stasis through TCM method;
(3)There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of gender, age, major symptoms, physical signs, laboratory examination items, clinically grouping and treatment course. They were of comparability;
(4) Treatment methods: The common medications for the two groups were: venous transfusion with compound Amino Acid (250ml at one time and 2-3 times per week); tablets of Hepatinica (4T for one dose and three doses per day); Vitamin C (3 gram for one day's dosage), or oral administration of Ganangan Glucosuria and Lartulose (one bottle for one dose and three doses per day respectively), Inderal (10mg for one dose and three doses per day, dosage decreased gradually). The expects treatment included diuratic therapy, application of anti-infective, improving electrolyte disturbance and hemo-stasis, etc. As regards patients of the treated group, except for the medicine mentioned above, Yiganyangyinhuoxue Granule (a Product of the third pharmaceutical factory of Benxi, Liaoning) was administrated, with one envelope at one dose and three doses per day or, Fugankang Granule (a product of pharmaceutical factory of Liaoning Chinese Herbs Institute, whose major ingredients are Thorowax Root, Radix Salvias Miltiorrhizae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Astragali, Radix Paeoniae Rubal Rhizoma Cyperi) was administrated, with 10 gram at one dose and three doses per day. Or, 250-300ml of Dextran 40 plus 20ml of Compound Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Liquor were given through venous transfusion, and the medicine for venous transfusion could be others such as Dextran 40 plus 10mg of 654-2 or Dextran 40 plus 200mg of Venoruton. The transfusion was given 2-3 times per week. In both groups, the treatment course was 3-4 months;
(5) Standards of clinical recovery: Symptoms disappear according to the patient's sense; the size of spleen is reduced to the normal or reduced by more than 1cm; ascitcs or edema is removed; liver function recovers normal or the amount of albumin is restored to over 30g/L; A/G >1.0/l; IgM of anti-HBc plus any item of the antibody titration test grow negative together; no new positive indexes appear (such as HBeAg, HBcAg, HBsAg Receptor and immunocomplex); complications were cured clinically (in the treatment group, complications included 18 cases of cholecystitis, 1 case of appendicitis, 3 cases of fatty liver, 3 cases of pulmonary infection and 2 cases of abdominal infection). Standards of improvement: Symptoms disappear according to the patient's sense; complications were cured or remarkably improved; according to liver function test, GPT grows normal; bilirubin is remarkably reduced; the amount of albumin is over 25 g/L or ascites or edema is relieved obviously; IgM of anti-HBc turns negative; there is no new positive index;
(6)Results: T test was adopted for data processing. In the treatment group, the clinical recovery cases and improvement cases against the total cases were 5/29 and 19/29, bringing the total recovery & improvement rate of 82.7%. In contrast, the recovery rate and recovery & improvement rate was 6/93 and 58.l% in the control group. There was a significant difference between the two groups (p30 g/L of the treatment group were reduced by 4 cases (globulin<30 g/L), and the rate was 19.0%. The corresponding rate was 3/30 (10.0%) in the control group. The difference was significant (P<0.5). After the treatment course, the cases with A/G Conclusion: The method of promoting blood flow to eliminate blood stasis is suitable for treatment of cirrhosis of liver of active hepatitis.
By Zhang Manyi, Jixiaoqing, Du Qinghao, etc.  

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