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Summary on Clinical Observation of 102 Diabetic PeripheraI Neuropathy

Summary on Clinical Observation of 102 Diabetic PeripheraI Neuropathy Treated by Xiaoke Bitong
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Xiaoke Bitong (XKBT) (a self-formulated preparation of Chinese herbal medicine made by the authors for treatment of diabetes mellitus) in the treatment of diabetic Peripheral neuropathy.

Methods: Patients were medicated with XKBT 4-6 pills every time, 3 times daily, 4 weeks for one therapeutic course, and 2-3 courses were used in succession generally. 

Rresult: There were 38 cases cured, 43 markedly effective, 11 improved, l0 ineffective, and the total effective rate being 90.2%. 

Conclusion: It was inferred that XKBT could increase the blood supply and nutrition of peripheral nerve, promote the repair of injured nerve, elevate the conducting velocity of motor nerve, so as to improve the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
By Jiang Ji

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