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Treatment for allergic rhinitis with acupuncture


Another natural alternative treatment for allergic rhinitis is acupuncture, which is effective and free of side effects. Treatment involves stimulating various points to promote the body's natural healing abilities, strengthen the body's resistance and regulate the body's reaction to antigens.

allergic rhinitis can be treated by stimulating the points of the lung meridian located near the wrist. Another point frequently used is the Hegu (LI4) found on the web between the thumb and index finger. Other points located over the sinuses are stimulated to reduce nasal secretion.

Treatment is very effective with results achieved within a short time. After the first treatment, nasal congestion, discharge and itching are relieved. Depending on the individual, six treatments may be required to give a lasting relief from hay fever symptoms. Some people may remain free of hay fever for years after six treatments, while others may need to visit the acupuncturist every year prior to hay fever season.

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