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Treatment of 163 Cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Yiqi Chubi Decoction


Objective: TO observe the effect of Yiqi Chubi Decoction (YCD, the decoction of supplement Qi and removing block) in treating rheurnatoid arthritis.

Methods: l23 patients in the treatment group were 28 males and 95 females, treated with YCD, Which mainly consists of Radix Ginseng l0g, Radix Astragalus 30g, Caulis Tripterygium Wilfordii l0g, Caulis Spatholobus l5g, Caulis Perpe Futokadsura l5g, Radix Alangii Cornu Cervus Zaocy 6g and Rhizoma Pinellia l5g, one dose per day boiled with water and intook orally in three times, combined with Zaocys l0g and Agkistrodon (Prepared into powder to swallow). Method for modifying: To Damp-Heat type, Rhizoma Atractylodes l0g, Cortex Phellodendron l5g and Herba Plataginis l5g were added; to Cold pain type, Scorpio 4g (by swallow), et Radix Notopterygium l5g, Ramulus Cinnamomum 20g, Rhizoma Ligusticum Wallichii 15g, Resin Boswellia carterii 10g and Resin Commiphora Myrrha l0g were added; to Wind dominant type, Radix Sileris l5g and Scorpio 4g (by swallow) were added; to excess Heat type, Radix et Rhizoma Rheum l5g, Gypsum Fibrosum 30g and Radix Scutellaria l5g were added; to excess Cold type, prepared Radix Aconitum l0g, Radix Aconiti Agrestis l0g, Ramulus Cinnammum l5g and Herba Asari cum Radice 6g were added; to patients with myotrophy Cornu Cervus frost l5g, Cornu Cervus glue l0g (smelted), Rhizoma Homalonema 20g and Rhizoma Drynaria 20 g were added. The therapeutic course protracted to 4-l2 weeks. The 40 patients in the control group were l0 males and 30 females, they were treated with aspirin 0.6g, 3 times a day and prednisone l0mg per day per Os, combined with external use of indomethacin 3-4 times every day. The therapeutic Courses were 4-6 weeks.

Result: In the treatment group, 28 patients were cured, 47 markedly effective, 4l effective and 7 ineffective, the total effective rate being 92.4%; in the control group, 4 cured, l6 markedly effective, 8 effective and l2 ineffective.

Conclusion: The clinical effect of YCD in treating rheumatoid Arthritis was markedly better than that of aspirin, and without any side-effect so it is indicated in treating patients of various age.

By Ran Ruijin

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