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Herbal therapies for PMS

FOR women unfortunate enough to suffer premenstrual syndrome or PMS, there is now herbal relief.

PMS is characterized by hormonal changes that cause disruptive symptoms in the week or fortnight prior to menstruation.

Researchers believe that many of its symptoms which range from mood swings, headaches, breast tenderness and irritability, are triggered by the fluctuations in the female hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.

Specifically, it is the high level of oestrogen in relation to progestrone that causes the imbalance, also manifested as heavy periods, abnormally frequent periods or missed periods.

PMS symptoms are also caused by overproduction of prolactin. Abnormally high levels of prolactin, which assists lactation in nursing mothers, can lead to breast tenderness and pain.

To overcome this, herbs have been known to help. Some of them are: Dong Quai (Angelica polymorpha) The Chinese herb dong quai is one of the most widely used herbs for hormonal balancing and as a female tonic. Having phytohormonal properties, dong quai imitates the action of both hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

It has a balancing effect on the menstrual cycle, making it beneficial in the treatment of irregular, absent or painful periods, especially when accompanied by cramping, neuromuscular tension, debility or weakness.

Dong quai helps to promote hormonal balance. One study found that women who consumed 2g-3g of dong quai daily experienced significant relief from premenstrual cramping and pain.

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus) Gynaecologists in Europe have successfully used preparations made from the fruits of the chaste tree to treat PMS. Like dong quai, this herb also imitates the action of oestrogen and progesterone with its phytohormonal actions.

Researchers found that chaste tree preparations act on the pituitary gland to regulate the production of and induce normalisation of the ovarian hormones. In particular, it increases the level of progesterone relative to oestrogen. This hormonal balancing act in turn, regulates the menstrual cycle, alleviating PMS symptoms.

In two surveys, physicians graded chaste tree extract as very good in the treatment of PMS. More than 1,500 women participated in the studies, of which 1/3 experienced complete relief from the symptoms, while another 57 per cent reported significant improvement. Researchers have shown that using chaste tree over a period of several months helps normalize hormone levels to alleviate the symptoms of PMS.

Wild Yam's medicinal properties have been known for a long time and herbalists used it to treat menstrual cramps and inflammatory disorders.

Wild Yam contains a compound called diosgenin, a precursor of progesterone. Increasing the body's level of progesterone helps to rebalance the ratio of hormones oestrogen and progesterone in the body.

Benefits of Wild Yam include relieving PMS symptoms such as water retention. Its anti-spasmodic properties help relax muscles, thus reducing uterine cramps.

St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) PMS not only causes physiological changes, but also psychological ones, of which depression and anxiety are the most common.

St John's Wort is the most thoroughly researched natural anti-depressant and has long been recognized as a mood enhancer. It contains the active ingredient Hypericin which studies show, work wonders with the symptoms of depression, anxiety, irritability and sleep disorders often associated with PMS.

Evening Primrose Oil, a source of gamma-linolenic acid, should also be considered as a part of the treatment approach to PMS. Research indicates that women with PMS often have impaired essential fatty acids metabolism.

Herbal therapies are said to be ideal for relieving a broad spectrum of menopausal symptoms. Hot flushes, insomnia, depression, mood swings, anxiety and vaginal dryness are some of the symptoms that respond well to herbal preparations.

Chaste tree stands at the top of the list for managing abnormal menopausal bleeding. Modern herbalists value its hormone-regulating action and often prescribe it to treat hot flushes and vaginal dryness.

Dong quai is generally believed to soothe discomforts associated with menopause. It is often used in combination with other herbs such as Wild Yam to reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms. Again, St John's Wort helps to reduce depression common in menopausal women.

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