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What Are the Main Drugs for Insomnia?

If insomnia is transient or short-term and sleep hygiene and non-medical treatments are not helpful, a physician may advise low-dose sleep medication to prevent the vicious cycle of psychophysiological insomnia. Over-the-counter medications should be tried before taking prescription drugs. For chronic long-term insomnia, however, drugs are rarely helpful. It should be emphasized that only behavioral or psychologic techniques can actually cure insomnia, whereas prolonged use of pills can only result in dependency. 

Common Non-Prescription Drugs 

Standard Non-Prescription Drugs. People buy more over-the-counter and prescription sleeping medications than any other type of drug. These drugs can leave patients drowsy the next day, and some experts believe they are not very effective in providing restful sleep. They are non-addictive, however, and a fatal overdose is nearly unheard of. Antihistamines are the active ingredients in most of these medications that include diphenhydramine alone (Nytol, Sleep-Eez, Sominex) or in combination with pain relievers (Anacin P.M., Exedrin P.M., Tylenol P.M.), doxylamine (Unison), and pyrilamine (Quiet World). Side effects include dizziness, drunken movements, blurred vision, and dry mouth and throat. They should not be used by people with angina, heart arrhythmias, glaucoma, prostate and urinary problems, or while taking medications to prevent nausea or motion sickness. When sleeplessness is caused by minor pain, simply taking an acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an NSAID, such as (Advil, Motrin) can be very helpful without causing any daytime sleepiness. Such a simple remedy may even be helpful for those whose primary problem is a "racing brain". 

Prescription Medication

Drugs used specifically for improving sleeping are called hypnotics. Benzodiazepines are the ones most commonly prescribed, but others are available that have fewer side effects or risks for dependency. All sleeping pills should be taken at the lowest dose possible.

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