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Food Remedies for Insomnia

many people can improve their insomnia naturally by making some healthy choices in diet and lifestyle, such as eating foods that may induce sleep while avoiding bad habits that keep them awake at night. Foods high in thiamin, magnesium and tryptophan may be part of the solution. 


Studies have shown that insomnia may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium may also serve as a natural muscle relaxant. Leading food sources of magnesium include spinach, avocados, almonds, amaranth, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, chocolate, oysters, quinoa and barley. 

Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

Thiamin helps convert carbohydrates in food into energy and it also promotes healthy nerves and enhances mood. Low levels of thiamin have been found in people who suffer from insomnia. Foods like asparagus, wheat, mussels, sunflower seeds, tuna, Brazil nuts, salmon, fresh pork, pasta, wheat, white rice, soy milk, barley and oats are especially rich in this essential vitamin. 


Foods that contain tryptophan, such as chicken and peanuts, cause drowsiness by raising levels of serotonin in the brain. For sounder sleep, try a glass of warm milk with honey, along with a snack of almonds or turkey at bedtime. Also, combining foods high in tryptophan with carbohydrates (pasta, cereal or bread) will help the body to absorb the tryptophan more effectively. 

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine and Tobacco

Although many people believe a tot before bedtime will ease them off to sleep, drinking alcohol actually produces the opposite effect. While alcohol may help you fall asleep initially, it ends up disrupting normal sleep and causing frequent awakenings. Also, insomniacs who drink highly caffeinated beverages to stay alert during the day are only compounding their sleep disorders. Even a single cup of coffee or tea in the morning can leave susceptible individuals unable to sleep. Finally, insomniacs who smoke have another good reason to quit -- tobacco is a stimulant.

Natural substances

Many people attempt to combat insomnia by using so-called natural substances, including herbal medicines. Among them are valerian root, hops, kava, chamomile, and lemon balm.

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