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Ways of Traditional Chinese Mediction for PMS

Acupuncture will gently break free the stagnation of the   Qi in the body. This also has the effect of easing the  emotions and pain associated with menstruation. As with  many menstrual problems, it may take a few menstrual  periods to regulate the cycle completely, although some   improvement can often be seen after the first month, or   even after the first treatment.

There is a special Chinese herbal formula which is often  used for PMS called Xiao Yao Wan (sometimes spelled Hsiao Yao Wan), pronounced "shao yao wan". Confusing, isn't it? Ironic too, since it translates to "Free and asy Pill." Many know of individual herbs such as Dang Gui that are effective for women's health, but this herbis rarely used alone. Chinese herbal formulas are created with balance and harmony in mind. Xiao Yao Wan has Dang Gui as well as many other ingredients to  relieve qi stagnation, nourish the Blood, strengthen the Spleen, sedate the Liver and relieve pain. They all support each other to increase their various functions. Xiao Yao Wan is widely available at stores that carry Chinese herbs  Sometimes, an herbal pharmacy will create its own brand of Xiao Yao Wan and call it something else. The K'an Herbals brand "Free & Easy Wanderer" is an example of a domestically produced Xiao Yao Wan.

Tai Chi or Qi Gong (breathing exercises to amplify and invigorate the qi energy) helps at the root of the problem. Even meditation will have this same effect.            Pulling the consciousness into "The Now" makes the Liver less attached to pre-planned goals. With this added  flexibility, we can become more able to accept obstacles in life which allows us to find appropriate and creative solutions consistent with the needs of the moment. Also, Qi Gong's breathing exercises stimulate the functions of the Lungs which help to sedate the Liver. in the same way that the Liver can attack the energy of the Spleen, so it is that the Lungs can sedate the lver. This is all due to the way in which the organs relate to each other within the paradigm of Chinese medicine. 

The 21st century brings with it levels of stress and pain that have never been encountered in the past.However, because of the unique multi-cultural interactions available within modern society, we can also benefit from incredible ancient treatments such as Chinese medicine for these contemporary disorders.

In this day and age, you've got options, and when it comes to PMS, all I really want to do is remind you that  suffering need not be one of them. 

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