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How to Prevent from AIDS?

There are several measures you can take to avoid from AIDS: 

1. Do not have sexual intercourse with:

people known or suspected to be infected with AIDS

multiple partners

a person who has multiple partners

people who use IV drugs 

2. Do not use intravenous drugs. If IV drugs are used, do not share needles or syringes. Avoid exposure to blood from injuries, nosebleeds, and so on, where the HIV status of the bleeding individual is unknown. Protective clothing, masks, and goggles may be appropriate when caring for people who are injured. 

3. People with AIDS or asymptomatic individuals who have a positive antibody test may pass the disease on to others and should not donate blood, plasma, body organs, or sperm. From a legal, ethical, and moral standpoint, they should warn any prospective sexual partner of their HIV positive status. They should not exchange body fluids during sexual activity and must use whatever preventative measures (such as a latex condom) that will afford the partner the most protection. 

4. HIV positive women should be counseled before becoming pregnant about the risk to their infant and medical advances which may help prevent the fetus from becoming infected. 

5. HIV positive women should not breast feed their infant.

Safer sex behaviors may reduce the risk of acquiring the infection. There remains a risk of acquiring the infection even with the use of condoms. Abstinence is the only sure way to prevent sexual transmission of the virus. 

How effective are latex condoms in preventing HIV? 

Studies have shown that latex condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV transmission when used consistently and correctly. These studies looked at uninfected people considered to be at very high risk of infection because they were involved in sexual relationships with HIV-infected people. The studies found that even with repeated sexual contact, 98-100 percent of those people who used latex condoms correctly and consistently did not become infected. 

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