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Treatment of obesity in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Herbal Medicine :

·  Evening primrose, take 125 mg

·  Burdock helps purify the blood while reducing fat and regulating blood sugar.

·  Alfalfa taken as tea or in tablet form.

·  Chickweed: decoct the dried herb.

Homeopathy :

Many over the counter mixtures contain Argentum nitricum , which may cure intense sugar cravings.

Mind & Body :

Hypnotherapy, guided imagery may help with weight loss by altering the way you look at food.

Nutrition & Diet :

·  Diet consisting of a complex carbohydrate, such as potatoes, pasta, chicken, fish and lots of vegetables.

·  Eat your main meal in the middle of the day allowing your more time to burn off the calories that you take in.< water of glasses eight to six with milk and juices, fruit drinks, soft consumption Replace>

·  Eat fresh fruits, apples, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries and watermelon.

·  Eat breakfast helps jumpstart your metabolism at the beginning of the day.

·  Avoid alcohol which is high in calories and caffeinated products that activates sugar into the system. Instead drink plenty of pure water between meals to eliminate the body of toxins.

·  Stay away from refined foods such as: candy, pizza, chocolate, chips, junk foods, milk and potatoes.

·  Eat plenty of spinach, bananas.

·  As the saying goes: Eat breakfast like a king, but dinner like a pauper. This allows you the entire day to burn up the fat you have taken in.

·  Drink a cup of grapefruit juice one hour before a meal which can promote digestion.

· Boil dried ginger and dried orange peel together, adding brown sugar and boil for one minute. Drink as tea.

·Bitter and pungent foods will help stimulate weight loss, avoiding sweet, salty and sour foods.

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