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Healthy Eating

The following applies to anyone above the age of 5 who is not under any medical supervision or have special dietary requirements. 

Eating healthily does not mean calorie counting or never to enjoy your favourite foods again. A Healthy Eating means eating the right type, proportion and variety of food, as well as balancing your food intake and your energy consumption. 

For most people this means

Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruit.

Increasing the amount of starchy food such as pasta and bread.

Eating fish at least twice a week.

Reducing the amount of fat you eat, particularly saturated fat.

Reducing the amount of high sugar foods.

Reducing the amount of salt intake.

Reducing the amount of alcohol intake. 

How much you should eat is highly dependent on your age, size and how much exercise you are having.

The information below helps you to differentiate the types of foods. You will be healthier if you limit your intake of the Group A foods and eat more of the Group C foods. 

Group A  

Saturated Fats such as animal fat (including skin), hard cheeses, cream, ice cream, butter, sausage, burgers and any fried food using animal based oil are bad for your health because they are high in cholesterol.

Sugars such as chocolate, cakes, pies, biscuits, puddings, syrup, jams and sweet drinks are best to avoid because they are high in empty calories.

Salt (sodium) such as table salt, soya source, crisps, smoked/salted fish, dry roasted nuts and sausages should be minimised because you only need ?teaspoon of salt per day which is easily consume from your daily food. Too much salt in the diet may contribute to high blood pressure in some people which will increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease, kidney disease and having a stroke.

Alcohol intake should be kept within the healthy level, see Alcohol and your Health

Group B  

Soft cheeses, skimmed, semi-skimmed milk, yogurt

Red meat (e.g. lean beef, lamp, pork, duck, goose, deer)

Oily fish (e.g. herring, mackerel, sardines, salmon)

Lentils, cereals


Group C  

Non-oily fish (e.g. haddock, perch, cod).

Poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey).

Soya products (e.g. soya beans, tofu, soya drink) and none processed beans.

Complex carbohydrates (e.g. potatoes, rise, noodles, pasta and bread).

Fruits and vegetables. Ideally, you should eat at least 4 portions per day

(One portion of fruits and vegetables = one apple, one banana, 2 plums, 2 tablespoonful of vegetables, or one bowl of salad) 

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