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About Beijing
TCM Institute
Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded in 1956. After 40 years arduous efforts it has grown up into a university that enjoys great prestige both at home and abroad for its quality of medical education and treatment, scientific research and its achievement in the university industry.
The University has trained 9505 professionals in Chinese medicine and pharmacology at home and 1815 professionals from about 82 countries and regions. The majority of the graduates of the University have become the backbone of the health undertakings and educational departments of traditional Chinese medicine, and a great number of them are distinguished specialists of traditional Chinese medicine and medical education, or heads of health sections at different governmental levels.
The University offers 11 Ph.D. programs and 24 master's degree programs. There are 3195 students of different levels studying in it. Among them the undergraduates account for 1530, three-year students 89, master's degree candidates 154, Ph.D. candidates 125, foreign students 349 from 41countries and regions, students from Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao 99, and students of adult education 849. Seven researchers are working in the postdoctoral station. The University has compiled and published a great variety of academic journals of the state level devoted to Chinese medicine, such as the "Journal of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine". The University consists of 5 colleges such as the college of Acupuncture and Orthopedics, the College of Pre-clinical Medicine, the College of Chinese Pharmacy, the College of International Education, etc., 7 departments including Health Administration Department, Chinese Nursing Department, Department of Postgraduate Studies, Adult Education Department, Social Science Department, Physical Culture Department and so on.
In recent years, the University has established a cooperative relationship with 28 institutions, hospitals, medical organizations and enterprises from the USA, Germany, Britain, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Spain, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway etc., and jointly operated extension or corresponding education, hospitals and clinics with 9 countries and regions. About 11814 governmental officials, specialists from 71 countries and regions have visited the University and conducted academic exchange and 1145 scholars have been sent to 57 countries and regions to lecture, investigate, work and attend international conferences.
It is quite earlier for the University to undertake the way of running a school jointly. A seven-year program education of Chinese medicine was set up with Nankai University in 1991 and with Qinghua University in 1997 to train students with fundamental theories of modern natural sciences and extensive knowledge of human and social sciences. After a two-year study in the Institution of Life Science of the Nankai University or in the Biology Department of the Qinghua University, the students return to the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine to study the professional fundamental courses and the professional courses and finally to conduct the research work for their degree papers as postgraduates.
Address: 11 Bei San Huan Dong Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100029, P. R. China
Tel: (8610)6421-3841
Fax: (8610)6421-3817