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Acupuncture on the Immunological Function in Hepatitis B Virus Carries

Effect of Acupuncture on the Immunological Function in Hepatits B Virus Car

  ChenJiam ra$# Chenffo te K znaoBin U m
  Wg Xing I N
  The First MuniciPal HosPitaI, Zhuzhou 412000 Hunan Province
  A colltY88t stlldy on the effeds of manual acuPuncture and electrOacuPuncbe was
  conducted in 60 cases Of cbroulc hepatitis B carriers. The resultS dentonstratd that the
  twunoleglcal functfons, bOth cellular and humoral, were markedly regUlated as
  evidenced by the negative tllrnover hes Of HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-IIBc and HBcAg, as wen

Since l993, we have treated 60 hePatihs The 90 cases in this series were seleCtod
  B virus (HBV) cwhers with manual from our inPatdri dePfornt from Oct. l993
  acuPunctUre or eleCtrOacuPunctUre. The to l998, who were diagnosed in accordance
  changes in IgG, IgA, IgM, comPlemen C,, T- with the Beijing Criteria.l All the Patients wer
  lyInPhocyte subsets and serum HBV markers fOund to have posihve HBsAg (through 2
  wer comPared W those of the contrOl group consecutive exndnatiOns) but with no
  (30 cases treated by routine medication). A abnormal symPtoms and signs. The general
  rePortfollOws. data and serological findings of the HBV
  Inarkers were shown in Table 1 and Tabe 2.
  cnulcal Data
  Table 1. General data
  Manual acuPunctUre ElectroacuPunctUre Control (medication)
  Sex: Inae l9 cases 20 cases 20 cases
  female ll cases l0 cases l0 cases
  Ase inyr. (avg')' l8-52 (33.0) l8-55 (33.8) l7-53 (33.7)
  Disease course (in months) 6-32 6-36 6-38

Table 2. Positive results Of the serological markersfound in the 3 grouPs ofPatients

Manual 30 30 l6 3 28 24
  Electroacupuncture 30 30 l6 '3 27 24
  Control 30 30 1 l5 2 30 2l

Methods of beaboent Al the above 3 groups of patients were
  Manual acuPunctUre grouP: Bilateral treated for 60 days before evaluating the
  Zusani (ST 36) were PunctUred once a day theraPeutic effects.
  with filiform staiuless stee needles (0.35 nun
  in diotr and 75 nun in length). The IteinsObserved
  Wrm Mcingeeducing method was HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBeAg, -anti-HBe,
  adopted afle the needies were perpendicularly HBcAg, anti-IIBc were exndned by
  inserted to a dePth of 1.5 cun. The needes radioinununoassay with the reagent kits
  were retained for 20 Inin and medPulated by provided by Beijing North China Biotecboque
  tWirling and tWisting 3-4 tims, each fOr 1-2 Institute befOre and after a 2-month treatmnt'
  min. HBsAg was exaInined quantitavely and the
  EleCtroacuPunctUre grouP: A G6805-I rest, send-quantihavelY'
  shmulator was used to genot a electric IInInUnogfobuljns (IgG, IgA, IgM) and
  stimulus (4-5 tiInslsec). The insertion site, comPlement C3 were detennined with
  method and retention time were the same as umdirechonal agar gel inunne diffosion.
  those in the manual grOU but without twdrig T4ymPhcyte subsets in l6 cases of the
  and twisting. The intensity was adjusted to manual grouP and 18 cases of the
  evOke visible tWitch of the musc1es of the electroaCuPunctUre grouP wer detennined
  lower legs wamn the patient's tolerance. with irnmnoenzyme assays before and ther
  Contrul grou: 0.2g of Vit.C, 2 tabets of the treatmnt'
  W.B, and 0.4g of inosine were Prescribed t.i.d. Liver functions were determined by
  fororal twstration. serum gluedc-pyrUvic transaminase (GPT)

test, thyml turbdity test (m), tOtal billrubin ResultS
  (SB) and one ndnue bilirubin (Sb) kinehc The changes in HBsAg level, the
  assays for all of the 90 cases. negahve tUmover rates of HBsAg, HBeAg,
  T-tCst, Chi-square tCst and ANOVA HBcAg, and anti-HBc, and the posihve
  were used tO evaluare the results. CD4lCD, boover nds of anti-HBs and anti-HBe were
  ratio was evaluatod with rank test. shown in Table 3-5.
  Table 3. Changes in Hha level wil) in 3 grouPs ofparients
  Group BefOre trCthent After treatfllent Difference
  Manual 38.99fl5.56 30.27tl7.l8 8.93
  ElectrOacupuncture 39.l3ll4.4l 21.4ool2.43 l7.73
  Contro 4l.Ml4.03 40.03i13.90 l.07
  The HBsAg level of the 3 grous was conIIol grouP (P0.05 and **P0.05). For anti-HBe, however, it was comPlement C, and the T-lymPhocyte subsetS
  sigwhcantiy increased in cOmParison with that were shown in Table 6 and Table 7.

Table 6. Changes in IgG IgA, ng and comPlement C3 (gW x ax n=30)
  IgG lgA IgM C3
  GrouP -
  Before tr After tr Before tr. After tr Before tr Mir tr BefOre tr After tr
  Manual 7'3m'40* 1l.85l3.55 1.63so.75 l.92co.52 1.99to.56 1.06ed.32* l.45co.33
  ElectroacupunctUre 7.21l2'30* 12.85l2.61 1.52co.61** 1.85ro.58 2.0lso.48 2.03ro.4l l.01so.28* l.48co.3l

Note: *P<0.01 **P<0.05
  Table 7 Changes in TlymPhocyte subsets (x an
  Groun N --
  Before tr After tr Before tr. After tI. Before tr After tr Before tr arer tr
  Manual 16 70'8t5.l 72.3l5.0 47.5M.6* 52.lM.3 22.6l3.6** l9.2t3.3 2.l2co.48** 2.71so.59

Note: *P<0.0l **P<0.05
  Changes in liver functions: GPT m serum H'bsAg level and the increased negative
  SB and Sb wer normal in all the cases of the tUmover rates of HBeAg, anti-HBc, HBcAg,
  3 grouPs before and after trCatWt, excePt one as well as the posihve tllmover the of the anti-
  case of the control group whose ALT was HBe.
  elevated at the late petiod of thes stUdy. The results of this stUdy demnstrates
  that the bod celinlar and humoral
  Discussion imInwhty"' can be regulated and enhanced by
  The treAnnt of chronic hepatihs B is acuPunctUre at Zusanli (ST 36). As an
  shll a difficult problem." 3 Since l993, we aukillary method, acuPunde esPeCially with
  have achieved certain good effect by aPplying an electric shmulato is stwle and safe, and
  acuPuncture in combnation with drugs to treat therefore, it is ideal 'fOr hePatitis B virus
  the chredc cAners.4 In this study it is shown cAners.
  that WunctUre can help increase the contents
  of serum IgG, IgA, comPlement C3, increase References
  the nUmbe of CDs and CD. cells and elevate l $$JrtF&MffiA$. dr$#&ghteg, l995; l3
  the CD.lCD, ratio, while deCreasing the (4): 24l-247.
  ' number of CD8 cells. The theraPeutic effects in 2 A0W#, $' +U#n#A$m##-2 ffifr#tt
  electroacuPuncture grouP was better than that LgiF& 30Mfftym$. th$#mghteg, l996;
  in the manal group as shown in the decreased l4 (2): l2l-l22.

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Jing ICP Record No.08105532-2