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Acupuncture at Point Yintang for Treating 37 Cases of Refractory Epistaxis

Acupuncture at Acupoint Yintang for Treating 37 Cases of Refractory Epista

  Li Jilan($#2) Liu neru(ghtete)
  Gannan Chunty HOsPital, Heilongiiang Province 162100, China
  This series of treatment was made up of 37 ases of epistaxis altogether including 2l males ul 16 females. The yOungest was 18 years and le Oldest 62 years. Amng them, 15 cases had,ncomitant hypertention, 6 cases rhinitis, 7ou febrile disease, 6 cases hematopathy and 31ses cirrhosis.

  AcuPOints selected was Yintang (EX -- HN).
  Operation: A acupuncture needle was in-irted into Yintang (Extra ) and pushed forward>rizontally to a depth Of about 0. 5 -- 0. 7 cun,ld then manipulated with uniform reducing and iinforcing method moderately to cause the 3edling sensations to sPread to the nose tip. It as advisable if the patient experienced sore and lsal discharging sensations in the nose. The redle was retained for 20 min. Acupuncture eatment was conducted once daily and l0 ses-,ns were made up one therapeutic course. 

  1. Criteria for Evaluating the Therapeutic
  Cured: After one course of treatment, nasal hemorrhnge disappeared;
  Effective: Aner one course of treatment, the hemorrhage lightened clearly;
  ' Ineffective: After one course of treatment, nasal hemorrhage had no any change.
  2. Results
  After one course of treatment, of the 37 casesl 3l were cured, 2 effective and 4 ineffective. The 31 cured patients contained 15 cases of concomitant hypertention and 6 cases of concomitant rhinitis and 6 cases Of concomitant febrile disease (the rest one cases was effective) and 4 cases of concomitant hematopathy (the
  Other 2 cases were ineffective) * Of the 3 cases of epistaxis with concomitant cirrhosis, one was effective and the rest two had no any change. Results displayed that acupuncture worked well in treatment of hypertention tyPe, rhinitis type and febrile-disease type epistakis but did not work so well in treatment of hematopathy (including  aplastic anemia and primary thrombocytopenic purpura) type epistaxis.

  Mr Han, aged 40 years, visited our hospital
  on March l7, l999 for emergency treatment due to severe epistaxis. In the past 5 days, his blood . 58. WhrMJ. AiupMQx' Vo' 9, No. 4, lerler, 1999 loss amount was up to about l200 rnl. Bleeding of the liverfire type nasal hemorrhage.
  was mainly from the left nostril, but, when the Acupuncture of Yintang (EX -- HN 3) and B,i left nostril was obstructed by using a sterilized hui (GV 20) was given to him. Five minutes cotton-ball, the bleeding came out from the right later, his nasal hemorrhage stOpped immediatenostril. Examination showed his blood pressure ly. When the needle in Baihui (GV 20) was being 28/l6 Kpa. Cerebral CT examination and withdrawn, the bleeding did not occur again.
  blood routine examination had not any abnormal The needle in Yintang (EX -- HN 3 ) was refindings. It was diagnosed as hypertentinn type tained for 30 min. In order to consolidate the epistaxis and treated with intravenous drip of therapeutic effect, a 5-fen gauge fili form needle Mannitol, Qngkailing (Chinese drug), etc. fol- was implanted in Yintang (EX -- HN 3) for 12 lowed by lowering of bford presgure to 10/8 hours (fixed with adhesive plaster), manipulated Kpa. Two hours after stopping using hyPOten- once again every 2 hrs by using unifOrm reinfOrcsors, his bford pressure went up to 28/l6 Kpa a-- ing and reducing methOd. At the sarn tAne, he

  g8in, accompanied by headache, vertigo, vomit- was asked to administrate Angong Niuhuang Pill
  ing and massive hemorrhage from the nose. Five (Bezoar Bolus for Resurrectim), one pill every
  days' continuous treatment did not work basical- time, twice a d8y. After 3 days' trearment, his
  ly. Examination shOwed red cyes, taunt, rapid blood pressure was 16/10 Kpa, his nosebleed,
  and forceful pulse, red tOngue with yellow thick headache and vertigO disaPpeared and has not re-
  coating. Differentiation of syndrome: flaming-up lapsed all along up to now.

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